Monday, May 31, 2010

What's a Farmacist?

In my plant intro sections you'll see a segment called 'farmaceuticals'. It's a section dedicated to herb's medicinal values that lists things it's been said they are good for. Some I've experienced because I've got easy access to them (like using Rosemary in my bath not only because they smell nice but because I'd like to think they're good for my scalp and skin). I get the name from Farmacists Desk Reference (FDR) by Don Tolman. I'd like to think of the name to mean Farm-assist. As in, we'll be helping the local farmers if we buy their produce! And you certainly won't find fresh fruits and veges in a pharmacist, no matter how much they try to convince you how good their pills in a bottle are.

In my personal opinion, fruits and veges are much more delicious and fun than pills in a bottle :)

While there are increasing medical research to back these up, through the analysis of the plant's chemical components, I believe subscribing to whole food signatures must come from an intuition. Like, you can take it or leave it that carrots are good for your eyes! It's been said plenty of times in folklore, when you chop a carrot horizontally it's got the exact pattern of an eye. However I can't advocate this as truth until I put the effort into refocusing my eye through the means of eating plenty of fresh carrots. And so I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that if there's an information you want to take on board from my blog, it's entirely in your hands on what you do with it.


Since we're on the topic of Don, I have to share a side story of something I discovered today... While looking up "Don Tolman" in Google, the next option below was "Don Tolman Fraud". Curious I clicked and there were some interesting things said, from 'the concept of food telling me what it's good for is laughable' to 'he stole my $5000 (or somesuch), how can I get it back?" Don is an international jet-set speaker that makes money majorly from his courses, and more recently from turning his knowledge into a tangible thing that can be sold through a pyramid scheme. (He doesn't call it pyramid, but 2-tiered system is still a pyramid). Sometimes these things don't work out the way you want it, and most of the time sales pitches are annoying.

His head is full of years of specialised study, intensely funny to listen to live, and a real threat to the pharmaceutical industry because he asks the tough questions. It's really up to you to try his mad methods out before handing out judgments...

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